(West Lafayette, Ind., February 9, 2023) North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) is pleased to introduce our newest Fellow, Shoshanah Inwood, Ph.D. and our first Faculty Collaborator, Florence Becot, Ph.D.
Dr. Inwood, who is a Rural Sociologist and Associate Professor at The Ohio State University, has begun her proposed project of leading the development, implementation, and analysis of the 2023 NCRCRD Caregiving Survey in coordination with the Center. Due to be complete late-Spring, the resulting data set will be housed at the NCRCRD and following Center protocols and policies, will be used for interdisciplinary collaboration across states and across research and Extension.
Dr. Florence Becot, who is an Associate Research Scientist with the National Farm Medicine Center of the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, will work in close collaboration with Dr. Inwood on the NCRCRD Caregiving Survey.
Currently, NCRCRD has one other Fellow for the 2022-2023 session — Stephen M. Gavazzi, Ph.D. with The Ohio State University, who is midway through his proposed project.
For more detailed information about the current Fellows and their projects, visit https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu//funding-opportunities/current-fellows/
About NCRCRD’s Fellows Program
The NCRCRD Fellows Program supports approximately two Fellows each year. Only faculty or staff from Land Grant Institutions in the North Central Region are eligible for the Fellows Program. The NCRCRD Fellows collaborate with the NCRCRD (in person or virtually) to pursue research and/or outreach that benefits the North Central Region. The normal period of appointment is one year. An NCRCRD Fellow is awarded $25,000 which can include salary, fringes, and travel.
NCRCRD accepts Fellow proposals on a rolling basis throughout the year and encourage others to submit projects. If interested, please read the Fellow proposal guidelines (PDF): https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu//wp-content/uploads/2022/08/NCRCRD-Fellow-RFP-2022-2023.pdf
All NCRCRD Funding Opportunities:
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The North Central Regional Center for Rural (NCRCRD) is one of four Regional Rural Development Centers in the United States. NCRCRD’s work links the research and educational outreach capacity of our region’s 34 land-grant universities with our region’s communities, local decision-makers, entrepreneurs, families, farmers, and ranchers to help address a wide range of development issues unique to our 12-state region. NCRCRD promotes regional collaboration by elevating the research and extension programs in our region; offering grant opportunities to support new and ongoing regional research, extension, and integrated activities; establishing a North Central Region dataset to encourage regional exploration; and creating networking opportunities through webinars, sponsorships, and making introductions between our partners. For more information, please visit https://ncrcrd.org/.
NCRCRD receives core funds from the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA NIFA) as well as from the North Central Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (NCRA), North Central Cooperatives of Extension Association (NCCEA), and Purdue University, College of Agriculture.
For more information contact:
Mary Breidenbach, Communication Specialist, NCRCRD