Board of Directors
- Angela Abbott, Purdue University
- Elizabeth Dobis, USDA Economic Research Service
- Mary Emery, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
- Lynette Flage, North Dakota State University
- Sarah Rocker, USDA NIFA
- Ron Turco, Purdue University
Advisory Committee
- John P. Beck, Michigan State University, Associate Professor, School of Human Resources & Labor Relations
- Andrea Bjornestad, South Dakota State University, Associate Professor & Extension Mental Health Specialist
- Xinyi Qian, University of Minnesota, Tourism Center Director & Extension State Specialist Tourism Center
- Zach Kennedy, University of Illinois, Extension State Specialist, Community and Economic Development
- Thomas Krumel, North Dakota State University, Assistant Professor, Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Program Leaders
- 4-H: Tim Tanner, South Dakota State University, Director of 4-H Programs
- Community Development: Dave Ivan, Michigan State University, Director of Community, Food, and Environment Institute
- FCS Program Leader Liaison: Pat Bebo, The Ohio State University, Assistant Dean O&E Assistant Director FCS
The inaugural NCRCRD advisory committee represents various backgrounds and expertise to provide input to the NCRCRD Board of Directors and staff and to ensure that NCRCRD meets the needs of the North Central Region. The NCRCRD advisory committee advises the NCRCRD staff in the development of priority goals and strategies for the Center. The committee provides a critical link with NCRCRD stakeholders that include rural communities, land grant university faculty and staff, and policy makers. The advisory committee reviews the proposed direction, initiatives, and activities of the Center and provides feedback to NCRCRD staff. The NCRCRD Board provides final approval of Center goals and strategies presented by the directors and recommended by the advisory committee. Advisory committee members serve a three-year term and responsibilities include:
- Attending bi-annual meetings (in-person meeting expenses will be paid by the Center)
- Providing advice and expertise that enhances the proposed NCR panel dataset
- Suggesting potential focus areas for multistate working groups
- Reviewing multistate working group proposals for recommendation to the Board
- Reviewing small grant proposals for recommendation to the Board