North Central Region Land-Grant Institutions

The North Central Region is home to 34 land-grant institutions (LGI). Click on the markers to learn more about the colleges and universities in the North Central Region.

  • All LGIs
  • 1862 LGIs (12)
  • 1890 LGIs (2)
  • 1994 LGIs (20)

2023 Community Development Extension Impact Report

Impact Report 2023 cover showing a rural road with houses on either side and US flags on the light posts.

University Extension leaders from the twelve North Central 1862 Land-Grant universities developed common indicators for reporting the impacts of community and economic development educational programs. Program leaders in each state reported on programs and outcomes to contribute to this report.

NCR 2023 Impact Report
NCR 2023 Impact Report Executive Summary
NCR Impact Report Archive (2010-2022)

2023 By the Numbers


Number of Community Development Extension program participants


Value of grants & resources leveraged/generated by communities


Number of volunteer hours for community generated work