Dear Leaders and Partners,
NCRCRD has joined AIHEC in supporting a post-conference day on October 24, 2022 following the regular FALCON conference in Albuquerque, NM.
In addition, NCRCRD is supporting a survey effort that aims to highlight past and present partnerships between 1994 and 1862 land-grant universities. Almost 30 partnerships have been identified at this time. You can view the entire list here:
We would appreciate your checking to make certain that all partnerships related to your institution are represented on this list.
In the event you become aware of the fact that there is one or more partnerships missing from that list, we would ask that you (or your most appropriate colleague) complete the survey to make certain that any missing information becomes added to the list.
You can do that in one of two ways: 1) either click the “Add a Partnership” link on the Land-Grant Partnerships website’s List of Partnerships; or 2) directly access the online survey tool here:
To make certain you have all the information needed to complete the survey, we have developed a PDF file of the items so that you can see exactly what information is being asked of respondents.
If you encounter any difficulties with the survey, you may contact Jen Hoffman by email at or by telephone at (614) 442-7339.
If you have any questions about the overall effort or about the post-conference efforts, please contact Dr. Steve Gavazzi by email at or by telephone at (614) 247-7911.
Thanks in advance for your help in gathering this information on 1994-1862 land-grant partnerships!