The racial and ethnic makeup of rural communities in Minnesota is increasingly more diverse, with an increased number of immigrants settling in these areas. Many rural communities, however, are not equipped to support these newcomers effectively. Recognizing the need, University of Minnesota Extension developed the Creating Welcoming Communities program. University of Minnesota

The Welcoming Communities Assessment Tool examines seven community sectors across six dimensions of inclusion, including awareness, engagement, resources, leadership, power sharing, and policies. This assessment helps community members understand how inclusive their sectors are for immigrants, refugees, and people of color. Evaluations of the program in Alexandria and Glencoe revealed areas of both strength and improvement within each community.

Participation in the program has led to increased community engagement, such as a participant becoming a member of the Glencoe city council. The community also raised $5,000 and organized a Unity Festival to celebrate local cultures.

It is crucial for rural communities to embrace diversity, as the only growing segment of Minnesota’s population consists of diverse and marginalized groups. By becoming more inclusive, communities can integrate newcomer populations and historically marginalized groups, benefiting from their involvement as volunteers, consumers, and contributors to the local economy.

Additionally, rural communities in Minnesota face challenges in attracting labor to support their economies. By making their communities more welcoming to diverse populations, they can increase their appeal to an increasingly diverse workforce.

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This impact statement was originally published in the North Central Region 2023 Community Development Extension Impact Report.

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