Purdue Extension embarked on a four-year mission to confront the homelessness issue in Wayne County, Indiana, amidst skepticism from local leaders. Through the team’s steadfast dedication, Purdue Extension is addressing homelessness in the county but also reshaping community care standards.
In rural areas like Wayne County, Indiana, homelessness often flies under the radar, lacking the visibility of urban centers. Despite this invisibility, the problem persists, exacerbated by limited shelter beds, scant resources, and disconnectedness from state-level aid. The county struggled to gauge the extent of homelessness, relying on ad hoc efforts for the annual Point-in-Time (PIT) count, which in 2020 tallied just 20 individuals.
Led by Extension Educator, Elisa Worland, Purdue Extension mobilized stakeholders to bolster data collection and outreach. Starting with a modest outreach event in 2021, providing meals and limited resources, the initiative expanded rapidly. Volunteer resource navigators were trained to assess needs and guide attendees to available services. Agencies set up tables offering direct connections to vital resources such as health screenings, housing applications, distributing hygiene supplies, and exploring expedited acquisition of essential documents. In recent years, the group has reached over 70 people at each event.
Their endeavors garnered attention from the Indiana Department of Health, which provided funding to develop a strategic regional plan to address homelessness and enhance service delivery. The local planning council has seen increased attendance and interest in participating in efforts. Wayne County’s narrative of homelessness is shifting as a result. What was once dismissed as a non-issue is now met with collaborative action and compassion.
Additional Information:
Purdue University Extension – Community Development
NCR 2023 Community Development Extension Impact Report